For JESUS: Spread His Words!


The Gross Darkness of Theology


Jesus Said:

“Theology Is Sin”




“Theology Is Sin”



Theology is sin Because It treats God and Jesus Christ as a subject and His Holy Bible As An Academic Textbook


Almighty God is a Person. He is to be reverenced, feared and loved as a person for who he is. He has feelings and a heart — just like you.


To “study” Him as a subject matter (like dissecting a frog in biology class) is to “deaden” the living person that He is and the living power of His words in the New Covenant Gospel gifted to us. The life in His words has power to ignite “life” in a person who reads them with a meek (non-combative) heart and a pure intent to know HIM — not just his words.


We are to know Jesus Christ as the living Person that He is, just as you would know a dear friend for who they are to you. We are to continue the work of preaching — telling others what He stands for, just as you would stand up for a dear friend who is being maligned by persons who don’t know your friend at all. We are to continue our life of testifying His words and actions toward people. His words and actions prove that He is risen from the dead as God visiting earth wrapped in human flesh … and returning.





Theology is man’s  “intellectual study of the subject of God” and His Writings (Holy Bible)



This is followed with bringing people to one man’s theology, then to a group of men’s theology “about” God and Jesus Christ. You would never do this to a dear friend. You know what your friend does and says. You know what they stand for. You know the “personality and tone” in their words when they write you a letter. You, ABSOLUTELY, know what they mean when they talk with you or write to you. You can even get so close that you know what they mean or think without them saying a word! Love between Jesus and a person is no different. It would spoil the relationship if you tried to turn your friend into an academic classroom subject and it would disgrace your friend that you began to dissect their every sentence into parts of words and sentences. YOU PROVE THAT YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR FRIEND.

The presence and communion of God (fellowship) is never achieved by this exercise of mental pursuit.

God, Himself, has warned us that we MUST pursue God with the heart. There is no other way!


Jeremiah 29:12-13
King James Version

12 Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.

13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.



How Theology Is Used Today


As Jesus said through His authorized apostles, “knowledge puffeth up” (1 Cor 8:1-3). Christ’s love builds people up in living His way to gain His quality of life.

Intellectual knowledge, aka “letters” and also known as theological study, is used even today as it was used by intellectuals and theology masters (such as Caiaiphas, Gamaliel, Nicodemus and others) when Jesus was here teaching in their cities. Theology is used by the human brain to establish a higher class of Christians who proclaim they are authotities about the Holy Bible, church doctrine, and even Jesus Christ by their scholarship. Otherwise, it is used as a stumbling block to bring doubt or unbelief against what the Lord Jesus is saying. Persons stumble because one cannot wrap the formally educatied mind around the simpleheart” that Jesus is teaching. That’s why Jesus chose “simple” men (not proudly educated in theology).


Theology is used as the basis for receiving or rejecting “Truth”. This is why JESUS said “the letter killeth. It is the Spirit that gives life” (John 6:6). The spirit of a person is within his or her heart. Proverbs tells us (paraphrase) what comes from the human heart is clearly understood by another human heart — Proverbs 27:19. If Jesus says that theology kills, then theology does make dead the natural feelings God designed in the human heart. Theology replaces these natural feelings with mental brainwashing to whatever ideas a person can come up with from studying God as a subject of scholarship  — even “scientific” scholarship.


One of the warnings by Paul for our times is that Christians would become “without natural affection”. That truth applies to many more things than you may think. It is how a person can immerse himself or herself in the Holy Bible and have no natural “feelings” for the sufferings of their own family member or Christian brothers and sisters (1 John 4:20) whom they see face to face. It is how pastors can study the Bible and mentally talk themselves into perverse ways of thinking and living that they have no natural feelings for, but with the mental scholarship studied about “grace”, can teach the people the same lie about grace with sin in their lives. This fills massive buildings with thousands of sinners — who are STILL sinners — mentally brainwashed into being okay with sin. These mental believers do NOT believe Jesus with their “heart” or they would stop their sin, knowing that Jesus said they WILL be given into Hell and the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. Thelogy is the reason that a man can naturally feel attraction to a woman and not a man, but after being duped by some person’s theology, can mentally brainwash himself into believing he has “feelings” for a man over and against God’s natural feelings designed in him for a woman.



Formal study of the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ as a scholarly “text” (for example to achieve letters BA, MDiv, etc. or to break it down into hermeneutics, exegesis, etc. only trains the fleshly mind. It does nothing to train the human heart by the Spirit of Jesus Christ. The result is that, instead of knowing what you friend wants when he or she asks for a cup of water — you end up reading what they said and asking — now what does that mean in the Hebrew? What is he really saying in the Greek text? What does the word cup mean? Was your stumbling over words the reason for you not loving your friend … by delaying some water to drink?!



Entire industries, universities and colleges have been built upon confusing the people into thinking you cannot understand the very simple man, Jesus Christ, and that you need theology trained college graduates to correct and train your “simple” understanding. This is the very scene Jesus was born into and came to undo! God is personable, not aloof, holy, caring and approachable — but will never take down from His righteousness.



Identity with Jesus Christ becomes no longer based on the holy life one lives by the “power” of God, but is based on how much knowledge in theology of the Bible one has. Christ’s command to be taught how to live (Eph 4:11-16, 1 John 4:6) is discarded in favor of amassing knowledge in theology. Every person lives according to his own organization’s handed down theology.




Jesus said the most dangerous reason that theology is sin:


Theology is sin because it enables Satan to fulfill 1 Timothy 6:3-4.


“Theology is sin because it enables persons to form a self-derived opinion about the Holy Scriptures and to feel emboldened to live and assert their opinion … while having no relationship with God at all. ” —  The Lord Jesus Christ, January 2023






1 Timothy Chapter 6:3-4

3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;

4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,

Even wicked, ungodly persons can read Scriptures and form their own opinion — of what they “think” those Scriptures mean. Theology is sin because it removes the authorities that Jesus Christ commanded us for learning Him — which are given in Ephesians 4:11-12. Theology enables men who are not born again by Jesus to teach people all about the Jesus whom it is impossible for them to really know.



Ephesians 4: 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:





“Theology is sin because it enables persons to form a self-derived opinion about the Holy Scriptures and to feel emboldened to live and assert their opinion … while having no relationship with God at all.”




Some groups are called study groups, but formed by persons who are not preachers sent by Jesus Christ. These can be men, women and even youth — who are not sent by God to guide and teach one another. The result is, again, enabling persons to form self-derived  (and often self-serving) opinions about the Holy Scriptures and, therefore, about Jesus!


Opinions become “pontificated”. Then, the process of exalting the “theology”repeats. Schools and universities are built around “theology”. Men form churches around “theology”. The final outcome is that there is no longer a definite message from Jesus Christ that we are all going to face Him for. Instead, every person has his or her own opinion of what the Scriptures mean and the proud and haughty spirit enters their hearts to disrespect and challenge Christ’s own authorities. This is the condition of Boise and Treasure Valley Idaho as well as our current condition in the nation.

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Theology Is Sin For Satan’s Goal of Destruction


Satan’s ultimate goal and well accomplished destruction is that, instead of seeking to get right with God, persons seek out a pastor/church that has a “theology” they like or feel comfortable with — whether Jesus upholds it or not. Theology replaces Jesus.



Preach The Simple Gospel!

2 Timothy 4:2

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™ 
Truth Seekers Church


Minister Clark
One of Jesus’ authorized and sent prophets, evangelists and pastors to love you in His name!
(Ephesians 4:11-16)






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Since Jesus had no office for meeting with anyone and none of the apostles had an “office”. Money will no longer be received and paid to investors of commercial property for a “physical office” of Truth Seekers Church. Money has been paid for a registered agent physical address. Jesus turned the entire world without most of the things we think are needed today “to do church” . When needed, Jesus always met with persons anywhere and He has wisdom and power today to guide “in the moment” a location to meet with any sincere and precious soul seeking spiritual counsel. The Ethiopian eunuch was sent by Jesus to bring His Gospel to an entire nation from counsel received while riding on a chariot! (Acts 8:25-40)




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ANONYMOUS PRAYER CLICK HERENo one asked Jesus “pray?” They sought a SOLUTION!



Every human being has the right to seek God Almighty, but not to visit our meetings. IF the person is not faking, spying, or gathering for a cause   — see Acts 9:26 — then Truth Seekers Church welcomes you to accompany a member as guest. There is no seeking you out to join this church (recruiting).

Visitor requests are screened through the Holy Spirit inside each member. Members can bring a guest to meet with JESUS in our homes and other meetings. Whether in  prayer or in person each wants to cooperate with whatever Jesus is doing in your life.



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