For JESUS: Spread His Words!

Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™ | Truth Seekers Church

Privacy Policy and GDPR


Your private thoughts and prayers concerning JESUS are in your own secret time, right now, right here.

You are on this site to leave from the work, stress and “busy-ness” of your day in order to shut in with God through His only Begotten Son — the Lord Jesus Christ — God in Flesh.


This privacy stand is strictly maintained  for you and for us to enjoy the Lord Jesus Christ without interference from outside intrusion.


  • The name of this denomination and local church is Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ ™ | Truth Seekers Church
  • The website address for this denomination and local church is
  • FOR SITE SUPPORT: Contact “Business@” the website address for any problems you may encounter using this website or CALL 1-208-919-0010.












Please, do come to this site with your Holy Bible in hand and with reverent humility and modesty toward our Lord, Jesus Christ. IF you can feel the sweet touch of His presence upon your conscience while here and the aroma of His holiness upon your flesh, then abide on this site with hope. May we each return from this site a better Christian than when we arrived.


REMEMBER, you are on this site to leave from the work, stress and busy-ness of your day in order to shut in with the Bible and Bible Lord Jesus Christ … and with your private thoughts and prayers — without fear of anyone collecting or watching personal information about you. There are no reasons for personal data collection on this worship site!

We are strict to keep it this way for you and for us to enjoy peace of mind!


All contact through this Christian Survival website is done toward Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™, Truth Seekers Church, and Minister Clark (the Pastor). Secured encrypted email was set up strictly for your sake with private email service attached to offshore anonymous hosting in case you choose to use email for spiritual questions and concerns. Being a local work — in person is preferred and always best.


YOU are in complete and voluntary control to decide if you want to communicate through this website. Your communications cannot be seen or intercepted. Simply, test it by emailing an unimportant message to see how it works and if you feel safe. You should COMMUNICATE.


YOU are in complete and voluntary control to decide if you want to invest funds through this website. Your payments cannot be seen or intercepted. Simply, test it by making a financial gift very small to see how it works and if you feel safe. You should support Jesus’ work here.





DISCLAIMER: Under no circumstances are you being coerced, tricked or forced to communicate or to give. The truth about what need exists — when and as Jesus commands it to be presented, shall always be done and stood by. Only those who are experiencing His nudge upon their heart should by your own conscience take action upon it whether through this site, in person, by mail or by phone contact.




Does Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ Collect Data?





We don’t care to be distracted by how many of you are visiting and where you come from. We just want to be effective getting you the “rest” Jesus intends from all Satan’s hate and tactics against your soul and spirit survival.

So we don’t bother with analyzing that stuff.





Comments on Truth Seekers Church Website


We don’t use traditional WordPress forms for commenting and logins, logs do not apply.

When visitors leave comments on the site the software collects the statement you make in the comment form.  Your IP address is compared against a spam list to avoid abusive comments and help spam detection. Only first name is required. Optional is last initial. This is done to protect your private feelings to express yourself and to avoid collection of your identity. Comments are screened before displaying them as an offering for the Bible Lord Jesus Christ on His site.

If you leave a comment, the software will retain only the actual comment made, indefinitely., NOT INFORMATION ABOUT YOU. No metadata to our knowledge. This is so we can recognize and avoid abusive comments. They can be edited or deleted when appropriate.


The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment IF you choose to put a photo or a gravatar.




Comment Cookies


If you leave a comment on our site, where email is used, you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for YOUR software convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again, and again, and again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

If you visit our login page, the software will set a “temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

If there is a log in for you, the software will also offer cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CHOOSE TO SAVE IT. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select “Remember Me”, your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies are removed.



Visiting Other Websites Linked To This Site


Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ/Truth Seekers Church has no responsibilities for other websites policies.

Information on our site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, links etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves as if you visited that other website — not ours.


OUTSIDE WEBSITES YOU CHOOSE TO VISIT MIGHT (WE DON’T KNOW) COLLECT data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content (with them), including tracking your interaction with their embedded content.



Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ/Truth Seekers Church has a website policy to limit embedding any outside content except where necessary. When you are on this site, we intend for it to be your private “rest” area.


REMEMBER, you are on this site to leave from the work, stress and busy-ness of your day in order to shut in with the Lord Jesus Christ and your private thoughts and prayers — we are strict to keep it this way for you and for us to enjoy peace of mind!







Data Protection In Transactions and No Collection of Your Personal Information


Forms are not used on this site for any personal communication, so no information is collected. There is no login when you make comments, so no information is collected.




  • Giving Investors on our Christian Survival website use the Stripe Inc. payment gateway that is PCI compliant and secured with their own TLS/SSL  on the Investing Basket page and the Giving Investors page. To send you a receipt, Stripe collects an email address (YOU may use for anonymity your own masked email or burner address).
  • In addition, the Truth Seekers Church SSL Certificate is visible and accessed by clicking on the padlock in the address bar on every page of this Christian Survival website. Temporarily, the hosting company uses Google, but Truth Seekers is changing that scenario.





Media Privacy


DO NOT UPLOAD ANYTHING TO THIS SITE or do any other savvy technical things to intrude.



General Data Protection (GDPR)

Does Truth Seekers Church share any data with anybody?



Giving Investors

If you give an offering to God for investing in this work, the payment processor will be required to have you enter your payment details. However, this is necessary for all the buying and selling we ALL do every single day of our lives. So, let’s not get paranoid when giving to God. We all freely and cheerfully cough up such information all day for anything we want to possess and accumulate. Hmmm? Have no concern. There are companies that have verified the security, privacy, and legal registration of this Christian work.


JESUS L.L.C. doing service as

Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ and Truth Seekers Church



The name of the registered agent will change on the Secretary of State page in a few days because Jamie Burkett went to another job and company. The update on the Secretary of State page will show Kevin Earp at our registered physical address for this work.






Does Truth Seekers Church send data anywhere?

Sharing of Personal Data


The WordPress software sends to an automated spam detection service for comments to be checked against a spam record or abuse database.



How we protect your use and functionality

We do not use forms on the site for communications, so no information about you is collected. There is nothing to protect! Private and encrypted email is no longer through ProtonMail, due to logging they did not advertise was done. A different email provider is used while visiting this site and deliverance prayer is too sacred for email — Call or Secure Message text.

This method keeps it simple AND safe for everyone.




Once more:

You are on this site to leave from the work, stress and busy-ness of your day in order to shut in with the Lord Jesus Christ and with your private thoughts and prayers — we are strict to keep it this way for you and for us to enjoy, with peace of mind!







Your Rights


A. Free Speech, Comments, and Retractions

This site is for exalting the Bible Lord Jesus Christ, no other Jesus from any other books or Christian religious system practixes.  It is not about you, nor us. Everything is kept always about JESUS so we will never fail Him.

Comments are considered “offerings” to the Lord Jesus Christ for His glory, not yours, not ours.


You have no rights with Almighty God to speak whatever you want, how, you want, and when you want because — it is sin to do so according to the Bible Lord Jesus Christ. Since this is His Church, His website, His ministry, and His household we do things HIS WAY in his own house — as you should in yours by obeying Him.

All talk that is contrary to the “Spirit of holiness” will be blocked from communications with Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ/Truth Seekers Church and all those who visit this site trusting to have a reverent and undisturbed time with Almighty God.

All comments are permanent and are NOT erased but for scriptural reasons.


Before you give a comment, check your heart. Also, know the policy from the Bible Lord Jesus Christ that is explained by James 3, especially vs. 13-18. The policy is explained in modern day talk, below, for all of us in the section  “Your Rights”.

Make sure you want to make the comment before doing so. It will not be removed. If you have a membership account with Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ and the account allows you to contribute, or if you have left comments, you can request that we erase it, but it will not be except by and for Scriptural reasons conforming to the “Spirit” of the Lord. Only your first name and last initial are used to comment, so your privacy is safe.



B. Refunds of Offerings

Like comments, FINANCES are offerings to the Lord and not removed.

There are no “refunds” of offerings  given to God for this work (financial gifts or others) .

Before you give, check your heart. Also, know the policy from the Bible Lord Jesus Christ that is explained by James 3, especially vs. 13-18. The policy is explained in modern day talk, below, for all of us in the section  “Your Rights”.




Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ | Truth Seekers Church

Church Remorse – Return Covenant

From James 3, especially vs. 13-18


There are no “refunds” of offerings (financial gifts or other kinds of gifts) given to God. Giving is holy. Reverence for God and for those things we claim to be sanctifying just for Him must be upheld! Giving is a COVENANT with God concerning Him, you, and this work. Only He has the right to judge us and remove a covenant.


You “have no rights with Almighty God” that allow you to request offerings, gifts, possessions, etc. be returned to you.


Possessions are yours while in your possession ( Acts Chapter 5). Once released to the Almighty, it is not recoverable to you by us (nor are our offerings recoverable to us). There is no selling, nor buying of products of any kind in this Church — therefore no refunds, no chargebacks, no disputes.



C. Accessibility

Accessibility Compliant Features have been provided on each page. Just Click the red “Accessibility Symbol”  at the top right on any page.




D. Right To Privacy With God

No Advertisements, Videotaping or Biometrics


You have the right from God, your Creator, to be in His presence uninterrupted by the outside world of stresses, fears, and other “pressures”. Advertising or commercialization — of any kind — is not permitted on this site. You have the right from God to give Him the reverence He is due.

You have the right to lift your hands in thanksgiving to God or “silent awe” as you contemplate the miracle and life-giving words from the Bible Lord Jesus Christ. You have the right to private conscience for observing Satan’s subtle hate of you and his deceitful tactics to destroy your soul and spirit.

There must be an hour (anytime, anywhere, somewhere) in your schedule reserved for no cell phones, no answering the door knock or ringing bell, no commercial footer credits and advertising, no people feeling free to intrude upon your “sacred” time with the Almighty GOD. Guard that! Proverbs 4:23 – Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.





Christ’s blessings to all of us as we enter Jesus’ world where “rights” are His

and are given to those who want His Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost!

Romans 14:17-19




Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™ 
Truth Seekers Church


Minister Clark
One of Jesus’ authorized and sent prophets, evangelists and pastors to love you in His name!
(Ephesians 4:11-16)






208-919-0010 – Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Counsel and General communications



Registered Physical Address, plus Mail

9169 W. STATE ST

Boise ID 83714





Since Jesus had no office for meeting with anyone and none of the apostles had an “office”. Money will no longer be received and paid to investors of commercial property for a “physical office” of Truth Seekers Church. Money has been paid for a registered agent physical address. Jesus turned the entire world without most of the things we think are needed today “to do church” . When needed, Jesus always met with persons anywhere and He has wisdom and power today to guide “in the moment” a location to meet with any sincere and precious soul seeking spiritual counsel. The Ethiopian eunuch was sent by Jesus to bring His Gospel to an entire nation from counsel received while riding on a chariot! (Acts 8:25-40)




  •  Pastor @ for spiritual counsel and preaching requests
  • Business @  for all others

ANONYMOUS PRAYER CLICK HERENo one asked Jesus “pray?” They sought a SOLUTION!



Every human being has the right to seek God Almighty, but not to visit our meetings. IF the person is not faking, spying, or gathering for a cause   — see Acts 9:26 — then Truth Seekers Church welcomes you to accompany a member as guest. There is no seeking you out to join this church (recruiting).

Visitor requests are screened through the Holy Spirit inside each member. Members can bring a guest to meet with JESUS in our homes and other meetings. Whether in  prayer or in person each wants to cooperate with whatever Jesus is doing in your life.



Non – Proselytizing Educational Classes Held At Public Venues


Because NOTHING Matters … But Your Soul!” ™  






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The Denomination Cursive Logo, “Because NOTHING Matters … But Your Soul”,  “Christ” Circular Symbol, and “Noah’s Ark for this generation” are legal trademarks and service marks of JESUS L.L.C. doing service as (DSA) Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ ™ /Truth Seekers Church.  |  JESUS L.L.C. is a Church, automatically not for profit and  formed under Idaho law as a Church and denomination for the unique needs of this generation and having no shareholders, sales, or distributions. Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Accessibility | Our Church Denomination| Church Calendar


For JESUS: Spread His Words!
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