Loved Us.
Suffered For Us.
Was Killed For Us.
He Rose!
Soul and Spirit Survival
Matters …
You Are At Jesus’ Christian Survival Work!
Soul and Spirit Survival
God, Spirits, and Boise
Your soul is your very life. You owe NO man ANYTHING when it comes to your soul with God!
Jesus’ power comes on you via His words when you believe them. Belief is obedience, which is what enables you to overcome Satan’s tactics against you!
Jesus’ words at this preaching site are part of His Christian Survival work in your soul. He preaches through a willing human vessel, here, where you have absolute control of your own time and pace!
Welcome to Jesus’ Christian Survival work — a new move of his Holy Spirit protecting Christians from supernatural destructions unique to this hour in history.
Often, read the preaching on any part of this Christian Survival work with your Holy Bible in hand. Read for your own soul and spirit protection and for your own soul and spirit survival.
Read for strength to do what is right toward God, to know what is right toward yourself, and to bring His blessings upon your soul to bless others with the same.
JESUS has targeted hearts of persons in Boise, Idaho and Treasure Valley — prioritizing pastors and those following in churches, then everyone else. God has targeted to change hearts by “His new protection move” aka “a new move” for your soul and spirit survival.
This “new move” is God’s love for us in Boise, Idaho, the United States of America, and globally. He has unique strategies to position the Boise, Idaho region to receive, obey, share and be held accountable by Him for the timely words sent from Jesus through Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™ and through other Christians who fear to disobey Jesus … so we overcome Satan’s cruelties that destroy the pure, original Gospel.
The uncorrupted original Gospel is the only Divine power to save us daily and eternally.
Here are just five (5) signs of many proving 2021 entered a new prophetic spiritual era for the Boise, Idaho region.
SIGN ONE: “Societal Events”
Already encountered and others to come before Jesus returns to end this evil world we have all experienced.
Jesus will create a new heaven and new earth for He will, personally, remove the one we are occupying.
God is paving the way for your soul and spirit survival, which means being worthy to be accepted by Jesus Christ when He returns, by avoiding defilement from societal events.
The Holy Bible term for survival is “overcome” (Revelation 3:5) and your soul is to be an “overcomer”!
Each day, you are to overcome anyone and anything that pressures you to disobey Jesus (See Matthew Chapter 5 and John 14:23).
Jesus’ power comes on you via His words when you believe them. Belief is obedience, which is what enables you to overcome Satan’s tactics against you! Jesus’ words at this preaching site are part of His Christian Survival work in your soul. Through a willing human vessel, He preaches His words to you here, where you have absolute control!
Jesus said the other sign of His return is the hate and cold-hearted treatment many Christians will “afflict” and betray upon their own Christian brethren — See 2 Timothy Chapter 3 and Matthew 24:10-13. The love of many Christians will TURN and will become cold because sin in the churches will abound. This is happening NOW.
While watching Israel for a sign of the end of time, Christians have become blind, deaf and numbed to the changes in ourselves. What is happening with Christians is the true time clock for the end of time, the heaven (the sky), the earth, and mankind. The Antichrist is against CHRIST JESUS and His Christians, not Israel (Romans 9:6). Satan’s only interest in Israel is any connection to Jesus Christ. Reverently FEAR JESUS! Reverently FEAR GOD!
Everything in life revolves around Jesus Christ and your obedience to ONLY Him in all your activities and relationships!
For these reasons you MUST stay focused and overcome any tactics that distract you from hourly obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ — for He is GOD — with whom every person in Boise, Idaho and beyond has a day of reckoning.
There is no middle turf on this matter. The very moment that you are reading this page you have chosen, either, to continue living in Satan’s sphere under his authority and ways or to live under Jesus’ authority and His words for your permanent lifestyle and survival.
John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
JESUS “IS” The Holy Bible
Jesus is the Holy Bible because the scriptures (The Holy Bible) were written by the Holy Spirit of God only as the one testimony from Heaven about Jesus Christ. There are no other holy Scriptures,
Jesus’ Gospel supersedes, overrides, and gives accurate meaning to everything in the Old Testament of the Bible and establishes Jesus’ new way of worshiping God!
Paul commended Timothy for learning Bible to “point you to the way of salvation” — which is JESUS CHRIST (2 Timothy 3:15).
Paul pointed out that in the past, God spoke His will to a prior generation through the Bible prophets — but today we are being held accountable to the Son of God — Jesus Christ. You cannot study, understand or use the Holy Bible “properly” unless you are rooted, grounded and established in Jesus Christ. (Hebrews Chapter 1 thru 3).
Revelation 19:10
And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
The Lord foretells in 2 Thessalonians and Revelation 13 that the heart and personality of the Antichrist shall be revealed by the astonishing increase of blasphemy — fearless speaking and doing irreverent things against God, the Holy Bible, God’s Preachers, and other of God’s holy things — to bring a following to himself.
He will create a new world goverment using religion and the Holy Bible (perverting its Gospel) to seduce away from OBEDIENCE TO JESUS CHRIST — all this is called blasphemies.
SIGN FOUR: “Jesus Loves You” – More Than A Phrase
Jesus has a love for you that pulls His heart to respond to your cries. A specific cry that brought forth Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™/Truth Seekers Church is God hearing your cries for escape from the organized Christian religious “system” to seek and know Jesus purely. The term “Christian System” is not a man-made term. It is a term the Lord Jesus Christ created to describe what we have turned church into and have become addicted to.
The Lord Jesus has still worked in that system (thankfully). However, it has produced many public perceptions of ‘Church’ and of ‘Christian’ that are false and opposing Jesus Christ:
Christ Jesus says that:
The organized Christian religious system is producing two major problems for Christians:
- Destroyed pastors who are still public in the ministry.
- Christians that are “CIN” (Sin) — Christian In Name.
Also, Jesus says that the organized Christian religious system is producing one major problem for the sinner-world we all came from before accepting Jesus Christ:
- A belief that church is just one more social service agency that you’re supposed to call on for help out of a financial situation OR a community center for your recreation, entertainment, and socializing.
Church is HOLY … and Christian means “HOLY” (1 Peter 1:15-16, Hebrews 12:14).
SIGN FIVE: “World Events” — Changes In The Spirit Realm
There are invisible powers (both angels and devils) fighting over your eternal soul and involved in your daily affairs, hourly! World events are always changes happening in the spirit-realm which show up in your daily affairs bringing peace or trouble. Spirit realm activity produces government authority changes with resulting effects upon the poor. By the original uncorrupted Gospel, the poor are always God’s main focus next to saving souls from eternal damnation (Luke 7:22).
The spirit-realm produces social chaos or social peace. Jesus has appointed that Christians monitor and effect the spirit-realm — via prayer in His Name to reach the highest authority of all — God in Heaven.
God is on our side, but a timeline is in place and world events are the spiritual fallout to the return of Jesus Christ. Your focus MUST be upon your own soul with Christ Jesus as Satan works hard to pressure you to be distracted from that only important focus. While you live down here, truly, NOTHING matters but your soul!
What does that mean?
It means that everything in life is invisible spirit-beings influencing people and events all around us every second (and some of it is by our unaware choices), but only what the “Holy” Spirit is doing through the Holy Bible Lord Jesus Christ is REALITY.
EXPECT everything else in the world around you that is not God’s reality will be shaken up!
Understanding this will make us humble ourselves to accept absolute truth in Boise, Idaho or anywhere else. Accept this absolute truth for our own soul and spirit survival — to “overcome” in all areas of life.
The Absolute Truth
“Humble to the reality that God only cares about what He is doing for His own Son, Jesus Christ, and Jesus’ return! Our fate and our happiness or misery depends on how we each choose to fit into HIS reality.” — Minister Clark, Pastor
Another Absolute Truth
Matthew 10:40-42.✦
Through Matthew’s testimony of Jesus’ in that verse, we know as absolute truth that it is JESUS CHRIST (Himself) preaching timely words to you at this Christian Survival work . It is Jesus who is preaching to you, speaking to you, alerting you, encouraging you, enlightening you, warning you, correcting you, chastising you. It is Jesus, when due, blessing you. It is JESUS, when needed, judging you. It is Jesus loving you. It is your own choice, however, to humble yourself and let Him.
The Lord Jesus Christ is working to help you focus, so He can make you strong in knowing “NOTHING matters … but your soul” and you will forsake all interests, causes, persons or loyalties, when needing to protect it from eternal damnation by Jesus!
Now … Make A Change! It’s Survival!
Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™
Truth Seekers Church
Minister Clark
One of Jesus’ authorized and sent prophets, evangelists and pastors to love you in His name!
(Ephesians 4:11-16)
208-919-0010 – Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Counsel and General communications
Registered Physical Address, plus Mail
9169 W. STATE ST
Boise ID 83714
Since Jesus had no office for meeting with anyone and none of the apostles had an “office”. Money will no longer be received and paid to investors of commercial property for a “physical office” of Truth Seekers Church. Money has been paid for a registered agent physical address. Jesus turned the entire world without most of the things we think are needed today “to do church” .
- Pastor @ for spiritual counsel and preaching requests
- Business @ for all others
ANONYMOUS PRAYER CLICK HERE: No one asked Jesus “pray?” They sought a SOLUTION!
Every human being has the right to seek God Almighty, but not to visit our meetings. IF the person is not faking, spying, or gathering for a cause — see Acts 9:26 — then Truth Seekers Church welcomes you to accompany a member as guest. There is no seeking you out to join this church (recruiting).
Visitor requests are screened through the Holy Spirit inside each member. Members can bring a guest to meet with JESUS in our homes and other meetings. Whether in prayer or in person each wants to cooperate with whatever Jesus is doing in your life.
Non – Proselytizing Educational Classes Held At Public Venues
Because NOTHING Matters … But Your Soul!” ™
Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™ -“Because NOTHING Matters But Your Soul” © 1999-Present by Minister Clark (Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
The Denomination Cursive Logo, “Because NOTHING Matters … But Your Soul”, “Christ” Circular Symbol, and “Noah’s Ark for this generation”™ are legal trademarks and service marks of JESUS L.L.C. doing service as (DSA) Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ ™ /Truth Seekers Church. | JESUS L.L.C. is a Church, automatically not for profit and formed under Idaho law as a Church and denomination for the unique needs of this generation and having no shareholders, sales, or distributions. Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Accessibility | Our Church Denomination| Church Calendar
I’m so grateful to have found this Church site for Truth Seekers Church. I’ve been seeking the truth for many years in my city Spokane Washington and failing to find a Pastor who speaks the truth. In this day of trials and tribulations Pastor Clark has reminded me that Nothing Matters but hearing the Word of the Lord and living for Jesus. Although my life is in Spokane, I wish I could spend my weekends in Boise as an active member of Truth Seekers Church. I praise Jesus that he brought Pastor Clark into my life.
Well readers … a software code that prevented spam has been destructive to your experience.
Today, Truth Seekers Church was informed (and no one asssociated with IT or our host was informed until today) that the developer of the code was no longer maintaining it — since May 2022! It has been blocking ALL comments as spam!
The software has been removed and that is how you are seeing this current test comment. Even I could not post a comment as a test and that is how the research began. One good thing is that you have privacy because your IP address was never logged. Still, spammers are logged.
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Please pray for this church ministry and for me, if the Lord leads you to. There is always opposition from the Devil in many forms, but … “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord”! — Proverbs 2130
I like to think that I am a woman of my word! I told you I would leave a comment! I thank you for coming in today saying hi ?
You are an amazing lady! Have a blessed night until we meet again
Annie ??