For JESUS: Spread His Words!


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 For General Public
 Our Church Worship
 Sacred Duties
< February 2025 >
05             14PM - Lord's Supper and Foot Washing
4:00 pm

4PM - Lord's Supper and Foot WashingTime: 4:00 pm
SACRED for Christian children and adults, backsliders welcome to return to Christ!
4pm First Sunday- After 1:30 Worship
Members' homes and private venues
05 2Church Worship!
1:30 pm

Church Worship!Time: 1:30 pm
Jesus' power manifested to our Church family and guests -- prayers, thanksgivings, praise and His on-time Word for you! Members' Homes & Selected Locations
3DAILY GUIDE: Luke 10:18-20 / The Power of GodDAILY GUIDE: Luke 10:18-20 / The Power of GodEach meeting during the week is in the power of Jesus Christ over the supernatural powers of ALL Devils -- sickness, disease, even death. Church worship is in person, not over the Internet. Each Christian follows his/her own conscience in this matter. No judging! Psalm 91, Prov 26:2 Members' Homes (Especially the Pastor's) 412:00 NOON - Sanctification & Consecration - A New You!
12:00 NOON - Sanctification & Consecration - A New You!A new you!!! A day "separating ourselves" from anything hindering God's will in us -- and special prayer at noon to lay down ours and receive JESUS' thoughts on all matters. STOP wherever you are! ... unless you can meet.
JESUS NIGHT!Surprise! We never know what Jesus will do on JESUS NIGHT -- toward members, visitors, or the public as we study ONLY Jesus! Members' Homes & Other Venues!
6 76:30 pm - Holy Ghost Prayer & Family Night!
6:30 pm - Holy Ghost Prayer & Family Night!Receive the Holy Spirit in an atmosphere of love & faith. Afterward, have clean fun for a Friday night with your family of one or more!
06 9Church Worship!
1:30 pm

Church Worship!Time: 1:30 pm
Jesus' power manifested to our Church family and guests -- prayers, thanksgivings, praise and His on-time Word for you! Members' Homes & Selected Locations
10DAILY GUIDE: Luke 10:18-20 / The Power of GodDAILY GUIDE: Luke 10:18-20 / The Power of GodEach meeting during the week is in the power of Jesus Christ over the supernatural powers of ALL Devils -- sickness, disease, even death. Church worship is in person, not over the Internet. Each Christian follows his/her own conscience in this matter. No judging! Psalm 91, Prov 26:2 Members' Homes (Especially the Pastor's) 1112:00 NOON - Sanctification & Consecration - A New You!
12:00 NOON - Sanctification & Consecration - A New You!A new you!!! A day "separating ourselves" from anything hindering God's will in us -- and special prayer at noon to lay down ours and receive JESUS' thoughts on all matters. STOP wherever you are! ... unless you can meet.
JESUS NIGHT!Surprise! We never know what Jesus will do on JESUS NIGHT -- toward members, visitors, or the public as we study ONLY Jesus! Members' Homes & Other Venues!
13 146:30 pm - Holy Ghost Prayer & Family Night!
6:30 pm - Holy Ghost Prayer & Family Night!Receive the Holy Spirit in an atmosphere of love & faith. Afterward, have clean fun for a Friday night with your family of one or more!
07 16Church Worship!
1:30 pm

Church Worship!Time: 1:30 pm
Jesus' power manifested to our Church family and guests -- prayers, thanksgivings, praise and His on-time Word for you! Members' Homes & Selected Locations
17DAILY GUIDE: Luke 10:18-20 / The Power of GodDAILY GUIDE: Luke 10:18-20 / The Power of GodEach meeting during the week is in the power of Jesus Christ over the supernatural powers of ALL Devils -- sickness, disease, even death. Church worship is in person, not over the Internet. Each Christian follows his/her own conscience in this matter. No judging! Psalm 91, Prov 26:2 Members' Homes (Especially the Pastor's) 1812:00 NOON - Sanctification & Consecration - A New You!
12:00 NOON - Sanctification & Consecration - A New You!A new you!!! A day "separating ourselves" from anything hindering God's will in us -- and special prayer at noon to lay down ours and receive JESUS' thoughts on all matters. STOP wherever you are! ... unless you can meet.
JESUS NIGHT!Surprise! We never know what Jesus will do on JESUS NIGHT -- toward members, visitors, or the public as we study ONLY Jesus! Members' Homes & Other Venues!
20 216:30 pm - Holy Ghost Prayer & Family Night!
6:30 pm - Holy Ghost Prayer & Family Night!Receive the Holy Spirit in an atmosphere of love & faith. Afterward, have clean fun for a Friday night with your family of one or more!
08 23Church Worship!
1:30 pm

Church Worship!Time: 1:30 pm
Jesus' power manifested to our Church family and guests -- prayers, thanksgivings, praise and His on-time Word for you! Members' Homes & Selected Locations
24DAILY GUIDE: Luke 10:18-20 / The Power of GodDAILY GUIDE: Luke 10:18-20 / The Power of GodEach meeting during the week is in the power of Jesus Christ over the supernatural powers of ALL Devils -- sickness, disease, even death. Church worship is in person, not over the Internet. Each Christian follows his/her own conscience in this matter. No judging! Psalm 91, Prov 26:2 Members' Homes (Especially the Pastor's) 2512:00 NOON - Sanctification & Consecration - A New You!
12:00 NOON - Sanctification & Consecration - A New You!A new you!!! A day "separating ourselves" from anything hindering God's will in us -- and special prayer at noon to lay down ours and receive JESUS' thoughts on all matters. STOP wherever you are! ... unless you can meet.
JESUS NIGHT!Surprise! We never know what Jesus will do on JESUS NIGHT -- toward members, visitors, or the public as we study ONLY Jesus! Members' Homes & Other Venues!
27 286:30 pm - Holy Ghost Prayer & Family Night!
6:30 pm - Holy Ghost Prayer & Family Night!Receive the Holy Spirit in an atmosphere of love & faith. Afterward, have clean fun for a Friday night with your family of one or more!

Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™ 
Truth Seekers Church


Minister Clark
One of Jesus’ authorized and sent prophets, evangelists and pastors to love you in His name!
(Ephesians 4:11-16)






208-919-0010 – Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Counsel and General communications



Registered Physical Address, plus Mail

9169 W. STATE ST 

Boise ID 83714





Since Jesus had no office for meeting with anyone and none of the apostles had an “office”. Money will no longer be received and paid to investors of commercial property for a “physical office” of Truth Seekers Church. Money has been paid for a registered agent physical address. Jesus turned the entire world without most of the things we think are needed today “to do church” . When needed, Jesus always met with persons anywhere and He has wisdom and power today to guide “in the moment” a location to meet with any sincere and precious soul seeking spiritual counsel. The Ethiopian eunuch was sent by Jesus to bring His Gospel to an entire nation from counsel received while riding on a chariot! (Acts 8:25-40)




  •  Pastor @ for spiritual counsel and preaching requests
  • Business @  for all others

ANONYMOUS PRAYER CLICK HERENo one asked Jesus “pray?” They sought a SOLUTION!



Every human being has the right to seek God Almighty, but not to visit our meetings. IF the person is not faking, spying, or gathering for a cause   — see Acts 9:26 — then Truth Seekers Church welcomes you to accompany a member as guest. There is no seeking you out to join this church (recruiting).

Visitor requests are screened through the Holy Spirit inside each member. Members can bring a guest to meet with JESUS in our homes and other meetings. Whether in  prayer or in person each wants to cooperate with whatever Jesus is doing in your life.



Non – Proselytizing Educational Classes Held At Public Venues


Because NOTHING Matters … But Your Soul!” ™  






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The Denomination Cursive Logo, “Because NOTHING Matters … But Your Soul”,  “Christ” Circular Symbol, and “Noah’s Ark for this generation” are legal trademarks and service marks of JESUS L.L.C. doing service as (DSA) Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ ™ /Truth Seekers Church.  |  JESUS L.L.C. is a Church, automatically not for profit and  formed under Idaho law as a Church and denomination for the unique needs of this generation and having no shareholders, sales, or distributions. Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Accessibility | Our Church Denomination| Church Calendar


For JESUS: Spread His Words!
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