Originally posted February 2021 and updated July 2022
For Jesus Choose Your Loyalties (1)

While mapping out future directions to srengthen the members in Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™/Truth Seekers Church for achieving Revelation 22, I was faced with my personal, daily, cross of having to choose my loyalties. You, too, must choose your loyalties.
You are faced with the same cross if you are a Christian — not in name by church attendance … but by holiness. All day in every activity of life, you must choose your loyalties whether to think and behave in the Spirit of Holiness (which is Jesus Christ’s spirit) or to choose loyalty to your own human fleshly mind and its perspectives from the spirit of this world (1 Corinthians 2:12):
HEBREWS 12:14 – Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord
I considered joining to a group of Independent Ministers that I found online (FGEA.org). They appeared to have a similar call from Jesus as I … to bring Christians back to New Testament simplicity of worshiping JESUS and away from modern stresses of ministry that lead Chrisitans away from Revelation Chapter 22.
I don’t need their ordination (I’m already ordained since 1987) but always welcome fellowship, IF POSSIBLE, with other preachers.
Since things on a webpage can be fraudulent these days, I called the phone number hoping to speak to a living person and was happy to get one.
The gentleman’s conversation seemed to sync with my heart and I said I would call back today if he had time for more questions and answers regarding their work and mine.
I gave this Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™/Truth Seekers Church preaching site to get to “know” my heart somewhat … while awaiting this afternoon’s call back. He assured me there would be time and he and his wife looked forward to my return call this afternoon. He sounded happy, BUT…
I called back and was greeted with anger and a flat, straight, statement: “We’ve looked at your website and disagree with a number of things on your site. We can’t have you in our group. We are Trump supporters and we believe the election was stolen! We don’t believe there was an insurrection! We are against abortion, we are against gays …”. “We know we are doing what God wants us to do.”
Why did he say that? It is because of an encouragement given on how to survive as a Christian during various events surrounding us and all kinds of other events Jesus foretold. Covid, Mr. George Floyd, insurrections and other world events were mentioned on this site.
I asked, “well can we discuss …” the reply was “We don’t have time for YOU” — speaking harshly and angrily.”
Learning To Choose Loyalties For Survival
- Was I rejected for a heresy against Jesus — God in flesh — The Christ? No.
- Was I rejected for being a sinner disobeying Jesus and His Cross? No.
- Was I rejected for being a woman? No.
No … the Words from Jesus Christ (through me) on this preaching site were rejected for me being independent from the world’s politics and only loyal to JESUS. Jesus has “tunnel-vision FOCUS” on saving you and me from eternal damnation and giving eternal life to EVERY living person — democrat, republican, progressive, conservative, independent, communist, socialist, liberal, conservative, libertarian, American, Arabian, Israeli, African, Latino, Russian, etc.. YOU GET THE POINT!
God made us for Himself and doesn’t give a care what our puny earthly minds come up with for social polity. The bottom line is, still, Jesus commanded us “WATCH, for you don’t know what hour your Lord will, suddenly, appear” to judge the whole earth for obeying or rebelling against His authority as true King. He is the KING of Kings!
IF you are a disciple of JESUS, you represent the interests and Kingdom culture of The Christ
— not that of any man, people, or cause.
Some of you will remember that our Lord Jesus has warned us (sternly) that our interests had better remain purely His own. Keep a pure heart with God! You will remember because the Holy Spirit will make you remember … IF you have the Spirit of Jesus Christ in you. If you don’t have the Spirit of Jesus Christ ruling you, then Jesus warns us you are not His! This warning comes through our brother Apostle Paul in Romans 8:9.
Many “Christians”, preachers, and pastors are none of His by Jesus judgment, although the public receives them as such.
We must choose our loyalties everyday by the awarenes that we are in this sinner world, but not part of its mindset. We love the souls of the people in this world, but are not caught up in their world nor in love with it… by the miracle power of JESUS — the Christ!
Can you even imagine Jesus getting involved in Augustus Caesar’s political future or failure? Can you imagine the Lord’s apostles marching angrily, riotously, up Rome’s government steps to force ANYTHING they wanted for Judea? For a Christian the answer should be and MUST be — “NO”!
Titus 1:5-6
5) “For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: 6) If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly”.
— Minister Clark, Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet
Despite, the increasingly rare finding of pastors who choose loyalties to only Jesus Christ, you must stay focused if you love Jesus. Stay away from false preachers who don’t care about your soul — whomever they are and wherever you find them — even if he or she is your intimate friend.
Run from them! Don’t have any respect of persons because the preacher is even world famous. You don’t owe anybody to sit there and listen to spiritual pig slop. You don’t owe ANYBODY any loyalty when it comes down to your soul and the Almighty God.
I live through the same temptations that any Christian does. I do vote my conscience at the time when voting ballots come around and that must be your own private issue between you and God. Sometimes persons may not even choose to vote — that’s your business, not your pastor’s or any other preacher!
I understand what you are going through. It breaks Jesus’ heart (and mine!) when you desperately use your time, fuel, wear and tear on your body or vehicle, and sacrificing other things you could be doing to go look for a pastor to tell you the truth and finally convince yourself to go to a church somewhere, only to arrive and all you hear when you sit down is a speech about America’s politics or a “cloaked push” (in the guise of a sermon) for their personal candidates and causes. ALL YOU CAME FOR WAS TO GET RIGHT WITH JESUS CHRIST and hear HIS WORDS for your eternal escape from the evil life you have been living or to be encouraged in the righteousness you are trying to convince yourself to continue living!
For you who are already saved to Jesus Kingdom and you non-Christians who are considering getting saved … please forgive those of us who have repented of mingling this world’s spirit and its politics into your decision to follow Jesus Christ.
We who don’t repent will pay a horrible judgment when He comes and He has no favorites who will escape jeopardizing your soul.
We repent means “we have changed our hearts” — we don’t do that anymore. Repent does not mean … I’m sorry you feel that way, I’m sorry for how I may have made you feel, I’m sorry I did it but can’t help myself because it’s how I feel!
I called to hear about Jesus, His Gospel, how we might work together in that. Instead, there was a strong and angry backlash about America’s politics. I informed him that “I can’t be a part of your group”. He responded, “we won’t have you”!
Did he not realize that the way he was talking to me (as me being a preacher sent by Jesus) was a sin of railing and reviling? He was sinning against the God he believes is leading him even while he was championing and defending his political causes that he thinks are BY AND FOR GOD.
Then …
Make A Change. It’s Survival!
Minister (Pastor) Clark
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The Lord Jesus has asked me to make myself available to pastors for helping to strengthen you and the brethren through teaching sessions and preaching events. It doesn’t matter which Christian denomination you are in if your quest is to know Him more and move in union with Holy Spirit. While I exited the entire Christian religious system in August 2023, pastors with a heart burning to know the Lord’s “right now” words for our generation woes are the kind He would command me to enter for. Please, call or email to discuss. There is MUCH Jesus is saying to our generation in the churches. If God confirms to you, we can schedule a private or preaching meeting.
— Jesus’ love to you!
Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™
Truth Seekers Church
Minister Clark
One of Jesus’ authorized and sent prophets, evangelists, and pastors to love you in His name!
(Ephesians 4:11-16)
Call, Mail, Chat, Meetup
208-919-0010 – Deliverance, Counsel and General communications
9169 W. STATE ST.
Boise ID 83714
Since Jesus had no office for meeting with anyone and none of the apostles had an “office”, money will no longer be received and paid to investors of commercial property for a “physical office” of Truth Seekers Church. No property search for a physical administrative office will be pursued. Jesus turned the entire world without most of the things we think are needed today “to do church” . When needed, Jesus always met with persons anywhere and He has wisdom and power today to guide “in the moment” a location to meet with any sincere and precious soul seeking spiritual counsel. The Ethiopian eunuch was sent by Jesus to bring His Gospel to an entire nation from counsel received while riding on a chariot! (Acts 8:25-40)
- Pastor @ for spiritual counsel and preaching requests
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ANONYMOUS PRAYER CLICK HERE: No one asked Jesus “pray?” They sought a SOLUTION!
Visitor requests are screened in prayer and in person with the Pastor to learn what Jesus is doing in your life. This is done to keep (or get) your life in sync with Him. Truth Seekers Church does not recruit. members. Only persons sent by Jesus are supposed to be here for His plans (1 Corinthians Ch. 12). Otherwise, you MUST be with the other pastor/church Jesus decides to train you through (Hebrews 13:17, 2 Timothy 1:6-18)
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