Jesus Said “DON’T GET CAUGHT UP!” The Lord Jesus Christ has said things particular for Christians to survive this hour in history and I am accountable to tell you for your soul and spirit survival! “Don’t get caught up in the things going on in the world around you.
Author: Minister Clark, Pastor
Christian Power For An Illinois Adulterer Minister Clark, Servant Sent From Jesus While preaching a week-long revival for a Cahokia, Illinois church, I learned one of the greatest lessons of my ministry life – Jesus’ love and Christian power for an adulterer — even when the adulterer or
What Is A Pastor/Preacher? A pastor/preacher is a male or female sent by Jesus Christ, Himself, to watch over your soul from Satan and train up your spirit in living as Jesus. He or she accomplishes this sacred obligation to Jesus Christ by telling you the truth from
What Is A Christian? “A person who fears to disobey Jesus Christ. This is called being ‘born-again’.” Holy Spirit To — Minister Clark 2024 — one of Jesus’ sent prophets, evangelists, and pastors to love you in His Name Matthew
Marriage And Divorce From Jesus “If they will allow you to” is why marriage and divorce from Jesus can occur. Marriage is a ministry from Jesus — a holy calling — to serve Jesus Christ by loving one particular person into Heaven beyond all others you care about
THE MYTHS OF CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS IN MODERN TIMES Myths of Christian schools in modern times exist because there is rarely a difference anymore between attending the name “Christian” school and attending any other public or private school. Christian schools are often the extension
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Jesus uses Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™ to restore churches from concerts as its form of worship to return to the original praying, testifying, singing psalms and hymns, and preaching or teaching by revelation from the Lord Jesus Christ the timely messages He is speaking to
Nakedness – Breaking My Heart Part Two NAKEDNESS, of which Jesus says “you’re breaking My heart” — is increasing in the sinner community around us because nakedness is being accepted by pastors and increasing within the churches. JESUS SAID: “As goes the church, so goes
AROUND BOISE Q & A Answers for Your Soul and Spirit Survival QUESTION: RULES for EASTER and BEYOND During Easter/Resurrection Sunday Celebrations, Can I Get Sick or Die By Taking The Lord’s Supper (Communion, Table)? ANSWER: Yes. Be careful during your Easter Resurrection
In 1999, when the Lord began this new Christian denomination, Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™, (but I did not know that He was starting a new Christian denomination, only thought it was church) — He explained to me as one of His prophets that house church was His way
QUESTION: Does Jesus Love Pastors by Marking or Is Marking Passed Away? ANSWER: Yes, Jesus still loves by “marking”. By marking He seeks to get a person to hear HIm when all else has failed. Marking is to publicly call a person out within