For JESUS: Spread His Words! Marriage And Divorce From Jesus “If they will allow you to” is why marriage and divorce from Jesus can occur. Marriage is a ministry from Jesus — a holy calling — to serve Jesus Christ by loving one particular person into Heaven beyond
Category: Christian Marriage
Christian Marriage is “by” Jesus, “for” Jesus, “about” JESUS and to Jesus. So, Christian marriage must be done His way for survival of the marriage and for your own soul and spirit survival.
For JESUS: Spread His Words! This message was sealed after “a God-thing” that happened just so Jesus could reveal for all to enjoy — the purpose of marriage: “The Purpose of Marriage” Minister (Pastor) Clark 12 And though one may be overpowered, two
For JESUS: Spread His Words! For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. Romans 11:36 T he reality that will cement your marriage, happiness in the marriage, and your soul’s eternal survival is
For JESUS: Spread His Words! Lose Yourself to Get Your Future 2022 And Beyond To get your future you must understand Sunday, January 24, 2016 in Truth Seekers Church worship time at 1:30 pm. My former husband was still in the Bible Lord Jesus Christ