Nakedness – Breaking My Heart Part Two
NAKEDNESS, of which Jesus says “you’re breaking My heart” — is increasing in the sinner community around us because nakedness is being accepted by pastors and increasing within the churches.
“As goes the church, so goes the world.
— Lord Jesus to Minister Clark, 1999-Present
The above statement from the Lord is confirmed:
He told Paul, the church is God’s PILLAR AND GROUND OF TRUTH from Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life that we must live.
When we were under Satan’s power and in lust for his stuff, we did to God “abominable” things, we thought abominable things, we said in God’s earshot abominable things. Jesus feels like this about nakedness in the churches and elsewhere in the life of Christians:
Jesus spoke to me some years ago about His feelings concerning what we are doing to Him, Father and Holy Spirit in our relationship with him. He was quite angry and wanted me to pass it on. By His strength, I have endured the resistance of Christians who don’t want to agree with Him on this matter.
“Shall you dare claim to have left your former lover (Satan) while you bring your offerings to Me that are stained with his touch! I can still see you enjoying life with him. Like Lot’s wife, I see you are thinking back, longing to keep the life you had with Satan, while bringing yourself to me. You think I accept that? I died to have all your heart for Myself!”
Women and men are coming into God’s holy assemblies (church worship and church activities) showing their thighs, mens’ privacy, womens’ privacy, mens’ chests, womens’ bosoms, youth and children being taught the same — taught by their fathers’, mothers’, other Christians and church leaders’ as examples. It all begins with us — Pastors.
Male and female preachers, praise team & “worship” leaders, youth “ministers”, etc. and their spouses are up before the people as alleged leaders and examples while teaching, singing, preaching in nakedness-revealing clothing such as that which clings to show your body parts and body form.
Jesus wants us to know this is a shameful thing. He was ashamed at the cross when his nakedness was revealed. It has always been a shameful thing EVER SINCE THE GARDEN OF EDEN.
Men, especially women, have always been shamefaced about nakedness from Genesis to Revelation, until now in the good old USA.
We, pastors, shall have a reckoning day with the LORD because we have left our posts as His sacred soldiers. However, a reckoning day of great reward awaits those who have held true to our Commander In Chief and the duty-posts he has sent and authorized us to perform for Him.
Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™
Truth Seekers Church
Minister Clark
One of Jesus’ authorized and sent prophets, evangelists and pastors to love you in His name!
(Ephesians 4:11-16)
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