What Is Fornication?
1 Corinthians 7:1
“Fornication is ALL touching – mental or physical — outside of God’s creative design of marriage.”
— Holy Spirit, September 2022.
God’s creative design is a biologically born male and a biologically born female are united to one another in spirit, soul and body through Jesus Christ. However, if not disciples of Jesus Christ, God still honors the marriage of a biologically born male to a biologically born female anywhere in the world.
This type of fornication refers to preserving the human body for and in God’s creative design.
1 Cor. 7:1 — Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.
Revelation Chapter 17
“Fornication is ALL touching with evil spirits. They are disobedient to the Holy Spirit whom God designed your conscience for.”
— Lord Jesus Christ, September 2022
This fornication refers to the way you think about God before you have believed Jesus Christ. It is “spiritual fornication” vs. bodily. It is giving yourself freely to any spiritual belief system other than the Bible Jesus Christ — for whom we were all created to worship.
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