
Cremation Defiles Jesus Christ     1 Thessalonians 5:23 “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”     Jesus’ body is holy and He created your

  No Videos, Cameras, or Youtube     Church Worship is God’s private time with you  — not a time for videotaping, cameras, Youtube or similar. W e have become more concerned about satisfying our pleasures or advertising our churches than protecting and the soul and spirit of a Jesus-seeker.

    In Jesus’s New Move we fear to represent Jesus To the poor   After salvation, the only thought on Jesus’ mind as part of His Gospel is His “unique” love for the poor. The organized religious Christian System does what it can through programs, but a “system” or

No Unscriptural Positions of Employment (Gigs)       It is said , “Follow the money”. Sadly, “follow the money” applies to the organized religious Christian System, too.   If we just follow the money, we can see, plainly, why Jesus has commanded all of us to “Come out of

    Return From Concert-Style Worship Updated 9/15/24     Concert-Style Worship is a modern phenomenon in which Christians gather around a stage or a tv monitor screen, looking to sync with a timed activity on the screen called ‘worship’ of God or with performances of choirs and artists.  

  God planted this church denomination in America where the official language is English. All worship is in English and other language speakers must show respect to the Lord and the nation by learning English. No accommodation is offered for foreign languages. The Lord revealed in His word (Genesis 11)

      Using God’s worship environment for buying and selling is an easy environment for customers . People are already there and they may want what you’ve got! However, our loyalty to Jesus makes us adhere to Jesus’ example. Jesus is highly sensitive and strict in His love for

      Jesus’ new protection move prepares hearts for intimacy with Him and with one another. Home churches (aka House churches) as Jesus left it to us, is what we need to return churches to.   Jesus, himself, always met with disciples in private places like Lazarus’ house and

      No person knows what Jesus looks like after his flesh. It is impossible to know what Jesus’ flesh really looked like and He has made sure of that. God commands Christians to know Jesus and every person by the heart within the person.     We love

A disciple has one duty — to be an ambassador for Jesus Christ from a country and Kingdom called Heaven. We cannot represent our Lord Jesus’s interests while representing the interests of earthly politics because party-ism is contention, division, bitterness,  implacableness against one another …  and idolatry. These traits make

      Some church organizations baptize you into their denomination or church — a very modern tactic of church growth. It is part of the organized religious Christian System for some churches. The pastors or boards use baptism to expand church growth by psychologically putting your mind in loyalty

    Everything a Christian does should not be termed a ministry for endorsement and financial support through the churches.   The false doctrine in America is: Everyone is a Minister. The teaching of Jesus says everyone is NOT a minister.     The false doctrine that everyone is a

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