For JESUS: Spread His Words!



I met Jesus Christ when I was four to five years of age, in a medium sized, 200-400 people, Missionary Baptist Church that was located in East St. Louis, Illinois. It was three miles east of St. Louis, Missouri across the Mississippi River.


My mother was faithful! She, personally, took me to the church each Sunday for Sunday School and worship, and I honor her for that. She gave me my first Holy Bible and a second or third, too, in my lifetime. I will ever love her for those things and the wholesome family life she labored to give us.


I fell in love with Jesus before kindergarten and I know others who have! As I heard the preaching of His love for people and his heart-grabbing words about a new world of love, power, eternal youth, no sickness or disease and no wants IF you confess and repent of sin … I wanted JESUS!


The preaching of Jesus’ words about salvation and pardon for sins, and heaven, hell and eternal life warmed my heart and entered in. The Baptist pastor gave an altar call “every” Sunday sermon . It was backed up with what was taught in Sunday School.


One Sunday, the Pastor made the call — “Is there anyone who wants to give your life to Jesus Christ in the pardon of your sins?” I waddled down the aisle up to the pulpit. He looked out at the audience and said, “Is this child’s parents here … because I don’t think you know what you’re doing! I’m not going to baptize you until I talk with your parents”.


He talked with my father who wasn’t saved, but he had been. He had come to Jesus as a boy around 12-16, but later he left the Lord and he was keenly aware.  People IN THE CHURCHES don’t fear God like that anymore. We, as pastors, tend to want to rush people into a prayer just to get them in the door as members of “our” church, warm bodies, but not “fully” converted hearts — Mark 4:1-32.

For decades the words of Jesus sown in him (and maybe you) as a child were growing. One day JESUS harvested him and set him as a light of holiness in the community of East St. Louis, Illinois.


Daddy got born again around one of my birthdays — it was glorious! When my father went to the Lord (decades later), it was like the entire city turned out for a mayor or other dignitary. It may be that way for you when you leave — all the lives you have warned to obey Jesus will see your life and respect and grieve you being gone.


Back to the day the pastor said he would not baptize a four or five year old …

My father had a long and dangerously serious talk with me. He said, “Now … you won’t be able to be like other children if you do this. You won’t have many friends. Other kids will want to dance and go to parties and lots of things that you won’t be able to do (because you belong to the Lord).” I replied, I know daddy. I love Jesus. He “drilled” me a bunch of other questions and answers which I don’t remember … but I have never forgotten the last one. He said,”








One day, in my adult life, I asked him — “Daddy, why don’t you come to come to Jesus?” He replied, “Baby, I know I’m not living right. But when I come, I’m coming all the way with the Lord.” Like many of you who aren’t in church, daddy was not in church BECAUSE he feared God. People don’t seem to talk like that anymore.

I replied, “I know daddy. I’m not playing. I love Jesus.” He said, “Alright, then I will let the preacher baptize you.”




Elementary School and Jesus Christ


Kindergarten cam after that. I prayed “Lord, I want to know you like Moses or I don’t believe you and I’m going to tell everybody you’re not real.”

I believe, today, that 5 year old child’s prayer started this life-long journey I have enjoyed …. and often times suffered for Jesus


Immediately came kindergarten in the next few months. I prayed “Lord, I want to know you like Moses or I don’t believe you and I’m going to tell everybody you’re not real.”


Well, Jesus knows a child’s heart. I really did want to know the real God who did signs and wonders and miracles! Thank you Jesus, through being Baptized in the Holy Ghost with the initial miracle evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Ghost selects  — I do know Him, today, like Moses. He “talks” with me regularly through the Holy Spirit. He has given me a faith in Him that even others cannot ignore or deny and  I have experienced powerful miracles! Above all, I have fellowship with Him … he shares his heart with me and I want EVERY person to have the blessings He wants for them.



However, to truly know Him like Moses, you MUST sacrifice and suffer to get to know his heart. That’s what Moses wanted … to know Him.

There is no way out of this, but the POWER of Jesus will come on you and bring you valiantly in charge of it as one of His “overcomers”.




Like Joseph’s brethren, or Cain with his brother Abel, or Miriam envying Moses, every Christian does not want to pay the prices necessary for a close walk with the Lord and they will hate you for it.

Intimacy with the real  Jesus Christ can get you that close to God, but it only comes though “obedience” to His Gospel New Testament precisely the way He delivered it. That’s what’s lacking in modern time and that’s why devotion and miracles that Jesus wants to do are sparse. There are no short cuts or exemptions to sanctification.


In elemetary school, I witnessed Jesus to students and teachers of the need to repent of their sins and obey Jesus for going to Heaven. You will have enemies and persecution (bullies, jealous persons, teachers who hate that you’re “a good kid”). Yes, some of you have and are experiencing those things right now because you obey Jesus, because you love Jesus. Jesus doesn’t acknowledge any other love but OBEDIENCE and some “Christians” even hate to hear that word — revealing where their heart really is. Is it in Jesus or merely loyal to their church. Hmmm?

Satan is not picky. ANYONE who obeys Jesus will suffer and will be overwhelmingly blessed by God for it! I did not understand at that age the “blessed by God part”. It was lonely, no “faithful” Christians at home nor at school during that time. My mother was very religious about going to church, reading the Bible, and staying away from certain sins. My father wasn’t serving God at all. My brother wasn’t serving God at all.

So, I left the Lord twice between elementary and college and I told God why — “I’m sorry, I cannot not “suffer for you anymore Lord”. Also, I said “but PLEASE don’t let me go to Hell. if it gets close, you come get me”!



Mobs, Gangs, Bullies, and Jesus – Junior High (Middle School)


Junior High School is the pivot point in any child’s life. Eleven or twelve years old and up is when Satan pours it on thick — all the temptations. You must remember what your sufferings are … “TEMPTATIONS”.


Teachers hating you, the kids hating you, the bullies, gangs pressuring you, the physical harassments, even sexual encounters or attacks, neighbor kids and parents hating you, an “army” of 40 kids set in array against you. I suffered all these things before graduating from middle school for refusing to sin against Jesus with the other kids.




Some of you have suffered these things and you weren’t even in Jesus Christ. Usually, it’s because Satan can see Jesus has some special love or purpose for you in the future and Satan works viciously to prevent your will to fulfill it. The best way, really the only way, to salvage a life so supernaturally damaged by the Evil one (Satan) is to give your life completely over to obeying Jesus. That will give you revenge against Satan and all his devils who have been assigned to destroy your life and will give you God’s esteem (glory) upon your life with God and with people!


Do NOT call these situations and events by any other name but “temptation” or  trial, otherwise you will reason with yourself. Reasoning will cause you to think that you are “expected” to respond as any other normal person (usually sinners) would respond or that you need therapy and counseling instead of strengthening your heart and mind to simply OBEY YOUR LORD in His wisdom and power. We STAND by Faith in God’s Word that cannot lie and whatever you do, “offer” thanks and praise to Him anyway and somehow! Think of something. Praise is what runs Satan away and delivers the blow to His principalities and powers (devils, evil spirits). 


JESUS is your first and full defence and your victory.  Prayer Meetings, alone or with other loyal Christians are your next irreplacable help to get the Holy Ghost (the Power of God) on the situations attacking you.


I did all of that a few years. I was strong and made a powerful impact for Christ in my school, but did not really know it.  Satan loves to make you “see” things which tell you that your life and works are in vain — all for nothing!


In 2010, I visited Illinois and ran into a classmate from Junior High school (that was over 40 years ago)!

He said (Stewart)  “You were my angel. You tried to tell us about Jesus but we wouldn’t listen. All these years, I said to myself if she can stand I can, too. Because of you, today I’m saved and living for the Lord. Sometimes, I mess up. But I just keep going.”


Did that make me feel good? Yes! I really needed it that day because a family member was trying to tell me “Nobody in this family believes you are a preacher”. (Wow) That wasn’t true. It hurt. Later the Lord commanded me to have no contact with that person and their influenced family members who spent their interactions with me trying to either 1)convince me that I was just an ordinary person and not at all God’s preacher or 2) disrespect and despise the office of preacher that I hold.sinner. No one wants to feel that you have authority toward them from God UNLESS they love Jesus and want His authorities surrounding and protecting them.


Maybe you or your son or daughter is facing manifold temptations. God has appointed it for Jesus’ sake! He allows the enemy to try our obedience to Jesus. It makes every Christian strong in standing against the tactics of Satan and it exercises your spiritual muscles in holiness, faith, miracles and compassion. Refresh yourself by these truths and rest by reading 1 Peter Chapter One. Then ground your heart to this decision “by God’s power I am willing to suffer IF THE WILL OF GOD BE SO.”

We can’t get out of it — so, wherever He has chosen to plant you, let even our children be a good soldier for their Savior!


The next year of Junior High School, I left the Lord. However, when hanging around one of my sinner companions one day at school, I noticed how much I had changed from the Christian I had once been. I told my sinner friend, “I don’t like myself. I don’t like who I have become. I can’t be your friend anymore. I’m going back to Jesus”. Today, as mature woman, I realize it was the Lord piercing through the invisible darkness of Satan that had consumed my “fleshly mind”. He was piercing through, shining His light on my conscience (my spirit), so I could see the night and day change from who I once was to what a sinner I had become.


Thanks to Jesus, He took me back, immediately when I confessed the evil ways I had taken up and my heart forsook them. In that moment, I turned from that evil life (as I told that friend) and asked Jesus to please be my Lord — meaning I give you rule over me! I was just 12 to 13 years old when these events happened. It’s called being “born again”.



High School! Hallelujah!


I went to a holiness church during High School. It was Faith Tabernacle Church of God In Christ. Life was good because I was learning holiness! Then something happened at church that caused me to “choose” to leave and Satan had laid a well-engineered trap.


Satan’s Trap: “Offended”



Get hurt or offended about something at church, leave, and backslide before you know it.

How far back to Satan’s kingdom and the power he once had over you can you go???

You would be surprised and ashamed.

As a pastor, my greatest war against Satan with Boiseans and the Treasure Valley is how he works very well to lure or keep some Christians living for him while they think they are living for Jesus through the lenient error-teachings of some local pastors. If I see a Christian sinning right in front of my face and Jesus moves me to reach out to them “Brother … or Sister, Jesus loves us. We can’t do that or we bring Satan’s power on our lives.” IMMEDIATELY they are ‘offended’ (Mark 4) and what Jesus said about them comes to pass.

College Years
The Miracle How I Met Jesus Christ



In freshman year at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois; the Dean of the Communications College was my advisor. He spent EVERY lecture period ridiculing the Christians in the class and “teaching” us the historical documents that prove Jesus Christ was just a man. He stated “you cannot be an intelligent person at college level and believing in a myth called Jesus”. I didn’t know it, but I was barely hanging on, still dealing with my hurt/offense in church.


Over an entire semester or two hearing this authority teaching (I was still just a kid, having graduated high school early) documented proof against Jesus, I am ashamed now to look back and say that my faith in Jesus was not as real or strong as “I” thought it was. I stopped believing in Jesus altogether and chewed people out for trying to talk to me about salvation through Him. I turned my back on God as a young adult and joined the devil’s kingdom. Satan controlled me and I became an outlet for his ways in the earth. He wants me back even now. He wants you, too!



One day, after taking severance pay from my job at Capital Credit Corporation in St. Louis, Missouri, I decided that I wanted to be a Certified Financial Planner. It ocurred to me that God knows everything … I did believe in God, just not in Jesus Christ. So, I knelt down on my knees in my apartment and, sincerely, said, “Hey God! How do I connect with you? You know everything. You could tell me when the stock market is going to rise or fall and I could rack up! I could get rich and my clients could get rich, and I wouldn’t have to go to prison for insider trading because YOU told me”.

Shock of shocks, God answered me. In about a week or so, I heard a still, small, “voice” that said only one thing:



“I am the way. I am the truth. I am the life.”

Jesus Christ, 1980




That voice spoke from time to time over about four weeks. Finally, I thought “What is that! What are those words! I’ve heard those words before. They sound like something out of a Bible somewhere!


I couldn’t tell anyone that I was hearing a voice. You know how people think who are OF this world. For the record, I don’t hear voices! Never have! Only this voice! And I know Him, now!


When I went and found a Bible. Somehow, I arrived at John 14:6 …


John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.




I fell to my knees crying out “Oh God! Please forgive me for not believing in your Son. I didn’t know.” It was the first time I had ever heard God speak.

“Jesus please forgive me for not believing in you! But, NOW, I KNOW YOU ARE THE TRUTH.” And, I will never leave you again because of things I see happening in your churches. If I see something going on in one of your churches that I don’t understand, I will simply come to you and say …  ‘Lord, I don’t understand’ — but, I will NEVER LEAVE YOU”.

I never have left believing and obeying Jesus with holy fear and trembling since that day.


Have I ever sinned since that day? Yes, but Jesus moves godly sorrow into your heart and you confess what you did and stop! As Jesus promised, God is righteous and faithful to you, to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness in that moment — then you are back in full fellowship with Him.

2 Corinthians 7:10, 2 Timothy 2:23-26,   1 John Chapter One





Now … Make A Change! It’s Survival!


Truth Seekers of Jesus Christ™ 
Truth Seekers Church


Minister Clark
One of Jesus’ authorized and sent prophets, evangelists and pastors to love you in His name!
(Ephesians 4:11-16)






208-919-0010 – Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Counsel and General communications



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Since Jesus had no office for meeting with anyone and none of the apostles had an “office”. Money will no longer be received and paid to investors of commercial property for a “physical office” of Truth Seekers Church. Money has been paid for a registered agent physical address. Jesus turned the entire world without most of the things we think are needed today “to do church” .




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ANONYMOUS PRAYER CLICK HERENo one asked Jesus “pray?” They sought a SOLUTION!



Every human being has the right to seek God Almighty, but not to visit our meetings. IF the person is not faking, spying, or gathering for a cause   — see Acts 9:26 — then Truth Seekers Church welcomes you to accompany a member as guest. There is no seeking you out to join this church (recruiting).

Visitor requests are screened through the Holy Spirit inside each member. Members can bring a guest to meet with JESUS in our homes and other meetings. Whether in  prayer or in person each wants to cooperate with whatever Jesus is doing in your life.



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Because NOTHING Matters … But Your Soul!” ™  






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