Using God’s worship environment for buying and selling is an easy environment for customers . People are already there and they may want what you’ve got! However, our loyalty to Jesus makes us adhere to Jesus’ example. Jesus is highly sensitive and strict in His love for God’s feelings and keeping the worship environment pure for Him only.
Priority in Truth Seekers Church is first prayers to God, then hearing His instructive word preached. Those who wanted merchandising in the worship place and its environment plotted to kill Jesus and his own friend betrayed him over money. Money blended into worship is a powerful force. Truth Seekers Church relies on “giving” by faith in Jesus’ commands — no selling of religious products or other things are permitted before, during, after or near the worship assemblies.
In your own private life or in your company or non-profit is the decent and orderly time for buying and selling thngs aka merchandising (1 Corinthians 14:40, John 2:16)
Creative Commons | As long as you don’t change anything and you do provide a link back to any page of this Christian Survival website you may copy, use, or distribute anything on the site — but not for selling. See copyright license Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International