For JESUS: Spread His Words!

Category: Key Beliefs
For JESUS: Spread His Words!



Return From Concert-Style Worship

Updated 9/15/24



Concert-Style Worship is a modern phenomenon in which Christians gather around a stage or a tv monitor screen, looking to sync with a timed activity on the screen called ‘worship’ of God or with performances of choirs and artists.


Read the testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Then, ask yourself  “,,, isn’t there something “unseemly” about this picture?” Is this entering into the face of our Father and being changed as in a mirror? (1 Corinthians 3:18)


Technology has its place, today, but must never be the defining method involved in pure heart-worship. Song leaders and musicians were part of the Old Testament jewish worship, but Jesus created a new relationship with God as FATHER to those with a pure heart toward Him. This pure heart is defined as keeping the commands of Jesus Christ. Pure heart worship caused a change for EVERYTHING in worship:

  • Purpose for assembling
  • Purpose of singing, praising, and edifying
  • Methods of singing, praising, and edifying
  • Financial Giving to uphold Jesus’ way
  • Preaching  – Was Old Testament commands changed to preaching only Jesus-given words against the daily hatred that the first Christians faced


The worst fallout from Concert-Style worship is how it has invented a money-paying Christian System of  jobs that Jesus did not create in New Testament worship of God. Praise and Worship “Pastors”, Administrative and “Executive Pastors”, Youth Pastors, Women’s Pastors and a host of other unBiblical/UnScriptural employment securities. These unscriptural jobs must exist to uphold the modern-day form of  temples/tabernacles, concert-style worship, and the other “styles” in worship that we have built for the organized religious Christian System. God has spoken to us about this in Isaiah Chapter 66 and what it is doing to our hearts. Yet, as the prophet said… we keep doing it.



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For JESUS: Spread His Words!

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