For JESUS: Spread His Words!

Category: Key Beliefs
For JESUS: Spread His Words!

No Unscriptural Positions of Employment (Gigs)




It is said , “Follow the money”.

Sadly, “follow the money” applies to the organized religious Christian System, too.


If we just follow the money, we can see, plainly, why Jesus has commanded all of us to “Come out of the Christian System. Come back to Me.” The flow of money throughout the organized religious Christian System is what has invented jobs that do not exist in the plan of Christ and are confirmed by the first Christians as not a calling and not ordained by Jesus. They are created and ordained by man along with man-made educational  requirements for unBiblical ordination and ceremonies.


New Testament worship of God does not have Praise and Worship “Pastors”, Administrative and “Executive Pastors”, Youth Pastors, Women’s Pastors and a host of other unBiblical/UnScriptural employment securities. There are only and have always been (with Jesus) apostles, prophets, evangelists, and pastors/teachers who taught everyone  — there were no niche preachers nor pastors/teachers.


These other unscriptural jobs emerge from our unBiblical “forms” of worship. These jobs must exist to uphold the modern-day form of  temples/tabernacles, concert-style worship, and the other “styles” in worship that we have built for the modern day organized religious Christian System. Were it not for that, there would never be such payroll jobs with false authority for false positions … and there never were with Jesus and the original Church.



Yes, Jesus has honored faith in Him and in His Name by all of us who have functioned in the organized religious Christian System of our time in history, but that does NOT indicate that Jesus approves it, nor that He created it. His love for us is warning about the damages from it, the judgments of God coming upon it (Isaiah 66), and to re-institute New Testament worship of Him. Many will say, “but so much good has come out of it” even while Jesus is showing and telling us how much damage continues to come of it. Some effects are even unto eternal damnation as it weakens our personal, individual, responsibilities in so many areas to our LORD.



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For JESUS: Spread His Words!

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For JESUS: Spread His Words!
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